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Award Winning Gospel Singers Featured in Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's 2018 Soulful Christmas Gospel Holiday Concert

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Music Director Yvonne Cobbs and the LHT Choir Sing Over 25 Inspirational Gospel Music and Favorite Holiday Songs

SAN FRANCISCO - Dec. 18, 2018 - EntSun -- Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's (LHT) uplifting "Soulful Christmas Gospel Holiday Concert" is in its fifth season from Thursday, December 13 to Sunday, December 23, 2018 presented in the Buriel Clay Theater at the African American Art & Culture Complex, 762 Fulton Street in San Francisco.

Gospel recording artist and Music Director, Yvonne Cobbs, conducts the legendary 16 member LHT Gospel Choir made up of award winning choir members who sing inspirational gospel and holiday music -- both old and new, sacred and secular -- from Go Tell It On The Mountain to Boogie Woogie Santa Claus. The show is a roof-raising, hand-clapping, joyful good time for all ages.

The LHT Soulful Christmas choir is comprised of multiple talented gospel singers, including:

Jacoree Prothro has performed with many of the most accomplished gospel recording artists including Vickie Winans, Byron Cage, Le'Andria Johnson, and Karen Clark-Sheard. Most recently, he performed in Holiday Soul with Vanessa Williams and the San Francisco Symphony at Davies Symphony Hall earlier in December.

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Vanessa Murphy with her strong vocals is recognized throughout the United States as a gospel singer who sings "in the old time way." In 2018, she won Best Gospel Traditional Artist in the Bay Area. She has released several CD's including, Singing the Old Time Way.

Michael Nelson is a gospel recording artist who has toured the country and internationally with the late Ali Ollie Woodson, former lead singer of The Temptations. He has received many awards including Best Male Gospel Artist at the 2017 Northern California Entertainers Music Awards (NCEMA).

The show must close on Sunday, December 23rd.

Thursday, 12/20 @ 8 PM
Friday, 12/21 @ 8 PM
Saturday, 12/22 @ 3 PM & 8 PM
Sunday, 12/16 @ 3 PM (Closing)

VENUE: Presented by Lorraine Hansberry Theatre at the Buriel Clay Theater, 762 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

General Admission: $30 Adults, $25 Seniors (65+) & Students (with ID), $29 Children (12 & Under) (15% discounts are available for groups of 10+-m\

Purchase Tickets Online: Go to www.LHTSF.org.  To purchase Group Tickets, call the Box Office.

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Box Office: Call (415) 474-8800 for more information (Wed.–Fri./1–5pm).
The Box Office Will Call opens one (1) hour prior to curtain times. Tickets are available for purchase At-The-Door (pending availability only).

ABOUT YVONNE COBBS: Yvonne Cobbs returns for her fifth year as Music Director for Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's (LHT) Soulful Christmas: A Gospel Holiday Concert. Yvonne is a songwriter, director, recording artist, and actress who has graced the stage with some of the most influential artists in the world. In March of 2019, Yvonne will have the honor of portraying Ms. Ella Fitzgerald in Ireland.

ABOUT LORRAINE HANSBERRY THEATRE: Founded in 1981, Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, the West Coast's premiere African American theatre company, produced its first Gospel Music production -- James Baldwin's The Amen Corner -- 24 years ago.  Since then, LHT has become renowned for its holiday gospel productions (www.LHTSF.org).

Media interviews with Aldo Billingslea and/or Yvonne Cobbs are available by arrangement.

Gina Snow, Marketing & Media Contact

Source: Lorraine Hansberry Theatre
Filed Under: Music, Entertainment, Arts

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