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Tired of all the nasty Political Advertising?Treat yourself to a poem & song called "Run For Office"

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In political advertising, the mantra is "Go Negative and Go Early." And to help you vent some of your frustrations about all the nasty politics, be sure to treat yourself to a funny poem and song about politics called "Run For Office."

SAN MATEO, Calif. - EntSun -- The people will love this poem and song…politicians will hate it.

Here is the poem version:


Copyright 1995, Robert Barrows

"Out of work? Need a job? Run for office!

Big debts? Lots of sex? Run for office!

Need prestige? Run for office!

Get elected! Get respected!

You even get yourself protected!

Give unto Caesar that which is his!

Get me Redford! Get me Liz!

I'm going to make it really big...

I'm going to run for office!

All the money you need...

The pleasures of power and greed...

Got to start planting the seed...

I'm going to run for office!

Get elected! Get respected!

Got to get myself selected!

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My future in bliss! I'll promise you that...

I'll promise you this!

...With this big warm smile, hey I can't miss!

There's nothing to lose, and I could actually win!

A couple of lies, hey, that's not like a sin?

Which race is open?

I'm ready to go!

I'll toss in my hat

and here comes the dough!

Where do I stand? It doesn't matter...

I'm shaking everyone's hand!

Oh what a feeling, I'm in command!

Hey, nice to meet you!

I'm running for office!

Your goals are my goals!

Vote for me! I'm your man!

What are my plans?

I'll show you when I get in office."


The song lyrics to "Run For Office" are even more biting than the poem.

People can see the poem version of "Run For Office" in a book I wrote called "Crazy Robert's Poems and Potential Song Lyrics" that they can download for a dollar on Amazon, and they can hear a free clip of the song version of "Run For Office" at www.barrows.com/music.html, and there is also a link on that page where they can download the song for 99 cents on iTunes.

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And, in this kind of election season, whenever you hear a politician talking about things like "income inequality," after they've just attended a $50,000 a plate fundraising dinner, at least you can vent some of your frustrations about politics with a song called "Run For Office."

And whenever you feel like you've had enough of all that nasty politics and all that negative political advertising, at least you can vent some of your anger and frustrations about politics with a poem and a song called "Run For Office."

Robert Barrows

Source: R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising & Public Relations
Filed Under: Music, Entertainment

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