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The Global Technology & Business Services Council launches to globally collaborate, promote and represent the industry

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IAOP and Leading Associations around the world unite to applaud the success of the industry in addressing COVID-19 and set a clear vision for its future

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. - EntSun -- In an industry first, the twelve major independent regional organizations, including IAOP, representing the technology and business services sector across the world have united to launch The Global Technology & Business Services Council (GT&BSC) to represent the industry globally. These organizations who represent members across their respective regions who are both buyers and providers of services, have united to deliver a global response to the challenges and changes brought about by COVID-19, and present a clear vision for the future of the sector.

GT&BSC, an alliance of twelve international associations representing the technology and business services sector across Bosnia,  Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Latin America, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States and Ukraine, collectively represent the interests of over 10,000 organisations, including multi-nationals, indigenous tech companies, SMEs, and start-ups.

The technology and business services sector was integral to supporting businesses across the world as they addressed the challenges of adapting to changes caused by COVID-19,  demonstrating remarkable agility, commitment and resilience in responding to the crisis; ensuring business continuity for global clients and prioritizing safety of all employees. The sector was central to the rapid deployment of work from home models and digital transformations, providing critical support and "essential services" to various sectors including governments through highly skilled professionals around the world. This is all referenced in the report being published today entitled: "A unified global response for the technology and business services industry".

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The global technology and business services industry delivers strategic value through a global eco-system comprised of over 10 million highly skilled and talented workers around the world, operating flexibly, transparently and collaboratively and utilizing best practices to deliver thought leadership, technology-led transformation and continuous business improvement. It is recognized as a significant positive contributor to the global economy, and will be a major contributor to re-energizing many economies worldwide.

Globally, technology and business services will play a key role in evolving nations to the next normal, driving the global economy out of an inevitable downturn and reducing the impact of future economic and social shocks, transforming businesses quickly and making them more resilient moving forward.

"We are all incredibly proud of how well our industry responded to the challenges presented by COVID-19," said Debi Hamill, CEO, IAOP. "Partnerships and individuals around the world worked tirelessly to ensure key services were delivered in really adverse conditions, remodeling and reinventing business processes literally overnight. We are proud of the industry and honored to be a Founding Member of the Council."

It is the Council's firm belief that technology, collaboration and access to a global talent pool will be key to driving business and Governments out of the inevitable downturn. Sharing best practices, thought leadership and collaborating on new operating models on a global stage will accelerate recovery around the world. We are delighted that our entire industry is collaborating in this global way for the first time and believe this will provide significant value to global governments, our members, their customers and their employees around the world.

The role and objectives of the Council include:
  • Promote the industry globally, capturing and sharing the value it adds and the innovations it drives
  • Advance industry growth
  • Provide a global network to develop and share best practice around the world
  • Professionalize the industry, globally, and attract the best talent to work in it including cross border movement of highly skilled workforce
  • Work collaboratively on global research programs and thought leadership
  • Represent the interests of the sector to stakeholders including Governments, the media and analysts
  • Create a united global forum to develop and share new operating models and frameworks
  • Come together as a global community to share experiences and drive change
  • Promote the importance of impact sourcing and drive fairness throughout the global industry

Commencing today, the Global Technology & Business Services Council will launch a program of work, with immediate next steps including:

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  1. To conduct a global body of research to better understand the industry's global state and prepare a report showing directions of further development
  2. To initiate discussions with all potential stakeholders including buyers, providers, governments and analysts to create a voice and point of view that drives change in an era of digital disruption and how we could work together in partnership to create a win-win scenario
  3. To continuously publish examples of technological acceleration enabling even stronger resilience to crisis situations and economic recovery
  4. To strongly promote the sector, its role in the global economy and the future opportunities it represents
Founding members of GT&BSC (in alphabetical order):

ABSL, covering Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, The Balkans, The Baltics
AIBEST, Bulgaria
ALES, covering Latin America
ASTRA, covering Russia and Belarus
BPESA, South Africa
GSA, United Kingdom
IAOP, United States
ITIDA, Egypt

Notes to editors: The Global Technology & Business Services Council is an alliance of the leading regional associations around the world, representing the interest of the global technology and business services industry. Its purpose is to promote the industry for growth by sharing best practices and thought leadership for the benefit of all its members and their clients and employees. The GT&BSC will lobby stakeholders to secure the best interests for its members. All members of the Council have signed up to the Industry code of conduct.


Kim Maneeley, IAOP

Source: IAOP

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