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Sultry, Sexy, Suggestive Skip Free's Debut Single A Lil Slower Feat. Mia

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Skip Free & KMeg, new single drop each month. Skip Free releases debut single A Lil Slower to audio streaming sites. Artist explores indie music, diversity, and challenges the norm. Bucking the notion, artist is locked into a singular genre.

CHICAGO - EntSun --
  1. The song combines Hip-hop sample-like instrumentation and heartfelt lyrics, within the debut single from Skip Free. A Lil Slower is a genre bending, "Ear-worm". A composition, that easily rests in the Alternative music space. Lead vocals by MIA snuggle into elements of Blues, Hip-hop, Lo-Fi, R&B and Neo-Soul. This is a "beautiful song". The single arrives from a place where rap, rock and soul, pleasure the listener in all the appropriate places.

  2. The release date slated for A Lil Slower is Friday 4/26/2024. Skip Free's first single will be internationally available on streaming platforms, Apple Music, Tidal, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more. Physical merchandise apparel, CDs and vinyl are forthcoming. DJs, promoters and talent bookers may contact Skip Free via email or phone, an upcoming musician website, skipfreemusic.com is in the works. "No tour dates are solid at this time." All tour inquiries should be directed to the site, once launched.

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  3. KMeg the multi-talented composer for Skip Free, gets the nod, and takes big risks with this song as a first release. A Lil Slower runs opposite Hi-hop styles KMeg is known for embodying. "We are past the fad of 'Pandem-wave' beat makers and producers. Now we are entrenched artists, composers, producers, and songwriters, with something to be said, heard, and felt." KMeg assures the "collaborations," will continue as a staple of the Skip Free brand; showcasing a variety of new talent, keeping the content fresh. Offering a dose of "therapy" that genuine music often provides a listener.

    Skip Free plans to release much more music in 2024. Look forward to several more projects, featuring a variety of artists. The first full length album's working title is Beats of Experience; a nod to influential composer David Axelrod's 1969 release Songs of Experience.

  4. "I am only concerned with learning, growing, and sharing an experience, that is reaching people who love, and crave, a sincere vibe in popular and this new free-form music," KMeg.

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  5. Press please visit link below, listen the single.
    A Lil Slower by Skip Free feat. MIA
    https://soundcloud.com/skip-free-music/a-lil-slower-featuring-mia? utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing (https://soundcloud.com/skip-free-music/a-lil-slower-featuring-mia?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)

  6. Contact information

    Skip Free Music

    Attention: Press & Communications

  7. Email: fans@skipfreemusic.com

Skip Free Music LLC
Attention: Dee

Source: Communications, Skip Free Music LLC
Filed Under: Music

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