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President Trahan Campaign Podcast "Sheriff Says" Has Reached Its End Of Life Cycle

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Primary Candidate Removes Podcast After Completing 3rd Season

HOUSTON - EntSun -- President Trahan Campaign says that the "Sheriff Says" podcast hosted by the Primary Candidate has served its purpose after sculpting the world with each release. Sheriff Says podcast ran for over 4 years and also for what host Chance Trahan says was "3 seasons."

"I changed the world with my words, and I am happy to say that I did all that I could to make this world a better place. I had no idea how my episodes would influence the world, and some of it was bad, but, I did a lot of good for someone who took it up on themselves to independently record and release their own podcast. With a heavy heart, I'm saying goodbye to Sheriff Says for good. It's been a long hard ride, and I am forever grateful to everyone who has helped stand against corruption right along with me. To those who were motivated to action after hearing my cries, I can't thank you enough for your help and for caring about everything that's going on," says Chance.

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Visit this link to learn more about the President Trahan Primary Campaign: https://PresidentTrahan.com

President Trahan

Source: President Trahan
Filed Under: Entertainment

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