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Gum Drop Hip Hop Radio.Com Launches as 24/7 Streaming Channel on Live365 Platform

EntSun News/11029630
TVS Records has launched Gum Drop Hip Hop Radio.Com to showcase a new music genre for kids music that is a fusion of Bubblegum Pop, Rap, Hip Hop, Disco, and Electronic Music.

CALIFORNIA CITY, Calif. - EntSun -- Gum Drop Hip Hop Radio.Com has launched as a 24/7 streaming radio channel on the Live365 platform. The new genre of parents approved, kids music blends Bubblegum Pop, rap, hip hop, disco, and electronic music. into a non stop party music channel. The channel is a service of TVS Records as a part of its Gum Drop Hip Hop initiative.

TV Records artists Skool O'Foolz, SK8TR Girlz, King Kong Kines, Tommy Swell, The Party People, The Skunkz, Puddinhead, Transistor Sisters, The Galactic Blaster,, and The Fritters all appear on the channel. Each song is also available for streaming on music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Shazam, Pandora, You Tube, and other major services.

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The 24/7 streaming kids music channel helps to fill the void left when Disney Music went dark a few years ago. Gum Drop Hip Hop Radio.Com is ad supported and free to listen to. The channel will be available on most major apps in late Summer 2024.

Gum Drop Hip Hop music can also be heard on demand via the Gum Drop Hip Hop.Com channel on the  You Tube platform.


Tom Ficara

Source: TVS Television Network
Filed Under: Music

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