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Art Talk w/ International Artist Annie Ruth

EntSun News/11005880
Presented by MESA (Music & Entertainment Student Association) at Houston Community College

HOUSTON - EntSun -- Please join us for an informal and informative Art Talk with internationally acclaimed artist Annie Ruth on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 11am.

Renowned international artist, community-engagement trailblazer and activist, Annie Ruth discusses the power of art and how she engages with communities around the world to make powerful works of art that impact schools, communities and museums.

Admission is free and open to the public.

 [Houston Public Library]

Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood Library (Meeting Room)

3223 Wilcrest Drive

Houston, Texas 77042

Free arts, education, and resource materials will be distributed to participants after the presentation.


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MESA is a student led, student run organization geared towards providing its members with valuable industry skill development opportunities through event producing, networking events, collaborative projects, and community outreach.


Annie Ruth is an internationally respected visual artist, author and arts educator, who works with audiences in Europe, Africa, and throughout the United States. She is a trailblazer who fuses her artistic talents and collaborates with major cultural institutions and museums. Her curriculum sets are used in educational and cultural institutions around the world. A few of her awards include the Sachs Fund Award for impacting arts, the Athena International Leadership Award, and NAACP Innovative Educator/ Arts Award. Artist website www.annieruth.com

Gerian Johnson

Source: MESA
Filed Under: Arts

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