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Angie Wong alleged whistleblower status debunked by documents from Stan Fitzgerald Legacy PAC

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Angie Wong self proclaimed whistleblower status debunked by documents from Stan Fitzgerald Legacy PAC and Patrick Collis L-Strategies

MIAMI - EntSun -- From L-Strategies the official Press of Legacy PAC

Angie Wong left Legacy PAC and L-Strategies in June 2023 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/angie-wong-former-legacy-pac-president-steps-down-from-l-strategies-consulting-firm-301842546.html

President Trump exposed government corruption that has led to the crippling of our nation, and he created the America First movement. Legacy PAC is here to hold the line and continue President Trump's legacy with the next generation of Conservative leaders.

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At Legacy PAC  we understand that the success of the conservative movement lies in unity, collaboration, and strategic action. Through our grassroots efforts, educational programs, and advocacy initiatives, we seek to mobilize supporters, educate voters, and engage citizens in the political process.

Recently Angie Wong has described herself as a whistleblower, in response the former business partners released the Wong questioned bank records which can be viewed at https://virginiavfaf.org/news/

Patrick Collis

Source: L-Srategies
Filed Under: Movies, Media

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