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The Movie Trailer For "Ice Age: History & Future" Has Been Released

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NEW YORK - EntSun -- Renowned research group Vision Laboratories joins forces with production and distribution company 360 Sound And Vision Ltd. to release ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE, an historical breath-taking documentary masterpiece.

Prepare yourself for an epic visual experience that will captivate your mind and uplift your spirit.  Acclaimed writer and director Dwayne Buckle, known for his exceptional work on films like, GREAT MYSTERIES OF THE SPHINX, ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS and ANCIENT SYMBOLS teams up with renowned narrator Myles Wright. Together they are set to release the anticipated film titled "ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE" on July 23rd, 2024.

"ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE" is not another film; it represents a fusion of research, information and science, the though-provoking display, blends seamlessly with director Dwayne Buckle's documentary production style promising a visual experience like no other. The film investigates the fact that the earth has been going through numerous Ice Age events throughout its history, and are we about to enter another catastrophic Ice Age event?

This exciting visual production is brought to you by the label known as 360 Sound And Vision, based in New York City, this label has gained recognition for its dedication to pushing the boundaries of filmmaking and artistry. "ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE" will be available for download as well as streaming, it will be available in DVD and BLU RAY formats on Amazon and other retail sites on July, 23rd, 2024.  Ensuring that fans can enjoy the movie in their preferred way.

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Vision Laboratories and 360 Sound And Vision have collaborated on a film that explores thought-provoking themes. These companies invite viewers to embark on a journey of self-reflection and exploration.

If you're curious about what's in store in "ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE", you can take a look at the films details on the films OFFICIAL IMDB page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32107515/

Buy "ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE" on DVD & Blu-Ray 7-23-2024 on Amazon.

For those who want to delve further into the world of "ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE" the films trailer is available on YouTube. Immerse yourself in the captivating visuals and sound scapes that "ICE AGE: HISTORY & FUTURE" has crafted.
WATCH THE TRAILER: youtube.com/watch?v=YaCA1lRJFeo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaCA1lRJFeo)

Source: 360 Sound And Vision Ltd.
Filed Under: Entertainment

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