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Robert Galibert Makes a Drug-Free French Connection on Voices for Humanity

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LOS ANGELES - EntSun -- Scientology Network's VOICES FOR HUMANITY, the weekly series presenting heroic change makers from a variety of faiths, cultures and nations, working to uplift their communities, announces a new episode featuring anti-drug activist Robert Galibert, premiering May 1, 2024.

VOICES FOR HUMANITY airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Scientology Network.

More than fifty years after Marseille, France, was infamously depicted as a center of drug trafficking in the film The French Connection, the city is still grappling with a long-entrenched drug culture. In fact, today approximately 2,000 minors are pawns working for the region's drug networks. Robert Galibert, undaunted by the presence of powerful drug gangs, began a movement to educate the public on the true dangers of drugs. The campaign he leads has spread from Marseille across the nation, earning Robert accolades from community and government leaders for making significant strides towards ending drug abuse in France.


Born and raised in Marseille, Robert Galibert excelled at mathematics, physics and chemistry, and would go on to become a biochemist. Working late-night shifts in Marseille's emergency rooms gave him first-hand experience into the devastating impact drugs were having on the city's youth. When he was introduced to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World materials, he recognized that education was the key to drug prevention and decided to take it upon himself to make the facts known across his beloved hometown. After Robert's success in helping to reduce drug consumption and related crimes in Marseille, he took his campaign national—from the Euro Cup Football Championship to live concerts and cycling marathons across the country. Robert has not only empowered over 3.6 million French people with the Truth About Drugs, but he has helped defeat drug legalization legislation, thereby protecting future generations of France.

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Robert Galibert is the president for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World France.


Scientology Media Productions, located in Hollywood, California, is home to the Scientology Network. Broadcasting 24/7 from the studio, Scientology Network is available at DIRECTV Channel 320, DIRECTV STREAM and AT&T U-verse and can be streamed live in 17 languages at http://www.scientology.tv as well as on streaming platforms such as Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku, YouTube and mobile apps for smartphones and tablets. Since launching in March 2018, the network has been viewed in 240 countries and territories worldwide.

Source: Scientology Network
Filed Under: Entertainment

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