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PhillipEWalker.com Delivers HollywoodActorJobs.com and FilmSubmitSuccess.com NYC Premiere Workshops

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PhilE (stage name) experiencing 2000+ gigs in the past decade supports his delivery of this Hollywood Actor Jobs full-time employment securing offering, while his having obtained 1000+ awards for 30+ shorts ignites his Film Submit Success advice.

NEW YORK - EntSun -- On the day after the Palm Sunday 10:00 pm EST SweetestVacation.com New York City premiere Under Saint Marks Theatre screening, Phillip E. Walker will unveil his new StudentFilmmakers.com Magazine listed Film Submit Success workshop at 7:00 pm EST on Monday, March 25, 2024 in the Producers Club Studio 3, located at 358 West 44th Street 10036 USA. This lecture-demonstration shows independent filmmakers how to affordably gain awards & screenings without enduring rejection. During the past decade through Walker Entertainer Academy, Phillip has obtained much success for his short films, especially through World Film Communities Network Awards Events.

At 8:00 pm, directly following the Film workshop is the Hollywood Actor Jobs (HAJ) Lecture plus Q & A session. There, attending performers will learn how to secure full-time SoCal talent employment within as little as 3 business days of their LA arrival. This second Workshop's attendee questions will be video-taped during the session for publication on the HollywoodActorJobs.com website.

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The HAJ workshop's foundation is Phillip E Walker's Entry Level Acting in LA workbook. The E-Book is available at https://StreamingFilmChannel.com/shop. Attendees get the most out of this hour-long session, if they have previously read EntryLevelActing.LA.

As well, during the HAJ workshop, attendees will automatically be considered for Official Selection to take part in the October 3-16, 2024, hands-on, Rancho Cucamonga, Southern California based, Hollywood Talent Employment Residency Intensive detailed at TalentEmploymentResidency.com.

Having performed as a Principal along side of such stars as Justin Timberlake, Anthony Anderson, Courteney Cox, Kendrick Lamar, Steph Curry, plus the late director John Singleton, Phillip has tucked 2000+ shoots under his belt since his 2014 move to Rancho Cucamonga, California from San Francisco.

As a bonus for arriving at the Producers Club before 6:00 pm EST on Monday (3/25/24), the first five (5) HollywoodActorJobs.com workshop attendees will receive free autographed copies of Entry Level Acting in LA on DVD.

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Available online via AllEvents.by/PhilE https://allevents.in/new%20york/80003622989036 are an extremely limited number of $15.00 admission tickets to either of the above workshops or $20.00 to attend both hour-long presentations.

With an extensive exploration of Walker's illustrious independent film industry career at NewYorkMovieAwards.com, 10% discounted tickets for Palm Sunday's 10:00 pm "Sweetest Vacation" screening are also available at AllEvents.by/PhilE.

Phillip Eugene Walker

Source: Walker Entertainer Academy
Filed Under: Film

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