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Pacific Power Source Launches a New Regenerative Series of High Performing, Flexible, and Intelligent AC/DC Power Sources and Electronic Loads

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Regenerative AC DC Power Source - AGX Series High Power Density Regenerative Source and Loads Regenerative Series - Scalable Power up to 252kVA 2-in-1 Regenerative Grid Simulator Regenerative 4 Quadrant Load Diagram Pacific Power Source, Inc.
Pacific Power Source's New Regenerative AC/DC Power Sources, Grid Simulators, and Loads (AGX, RGS, RLS Series) emulate real world conditions for testing aerospace, power conversion, EV charging, and grid-tied systems.

IRVINE, Calif. - EntSun -- Pacific Power Source, a leading global provider of AC & DC power test solutions, announces its regenerative product line to support the growing demand in electrification including the: All-in-1 AGX Regenerative AC/DC Source, 2-in-1 RGS Regenerative Grid Simulator, and RLS Regenerative Load Simulator.

These bidirectional sources and loads emulate real-world power flows that are ideal for testing the utility grid, EV chargers, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), Vehicle-to-Home (V2H), Solar PV/grid-tied inverters, home energy storage systems, avionics power converters, UPS, PDUs, and more.

"Our new line of regenerative test solutions offers the highest level of flexibility, performance, and intelligence. These test systems integrate a high tech 4-Quadrant design in Silicon Carbide (SiC)-technology to support superior voltage range, current and power specifications to enhance performance. Compact, powerful, versatile, and easy to use, our mission is to innovate how you test with smart power to make it simpler, safer, more productive, and sustainable." Herman Vaneijkelenburg, Director of Marketing.

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The new SmartRegen® products have greater than 90% energy efficiency and a high-power density with up to 21kVA in a single 4U chassis, saving costs and space. Modular by design, these rackable series can scale up to 168kVA power in a single 19" cabinet and can be paralleled up to 252kvA to meet future requirements. The voltage ranges cover 350VLN / 606VLL in AC mode or ±500Vdc in DC Mode with exceptionally high AC current capability. The system's fully galvanic-isolated design and protection features protect the operator and UUT so users can test with confidence.

Simultaneous AC and DC operation of modes per phase, and the automatic switching of output modes provides test engineers with a unique capability and the highest degree of flexibility. Multiple, user-friendly control options provide the user with extensive control of AC and DC test parameters. Engineers and Researchers can select from a wide range of test sequences or easily create their own with built-in powerful custom waveform creation and measurement tools.

Additionally, Pacific Power Source's embedded proprietary SmartSource Suite remote control platform provides the most advanced real-time control and analysis on the market today. Fully develop and execute test sequences using the web browser interface reducing testing time.

This new level of performance, flexibility, and intelligence simplifies testing for the engineer, increases productivity, and reduces testing time. Learn more about Pacific Power Source's Regenerative AC/DC Sources and Loads.

Visit http://www.pacificpower.com or contact us at sales@pacificpower.com.

Media Contact
Julie Tran
Marketing Manager, Pacific Power Source, Inc.

Source: Pacific Power Source, Inc.

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