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Kubert, Johns, Fabok, Hitch Headline Talented Comic Creators Attending FAN EXPO Philadelphia

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Manapul, Tomasi, Ottley, Cho, Lee, Platt, Wos Also Among Top Artists, Writers Populating Artist Alley at Pennsylvania Convention Center, May 3-5

PHILADELPHIA - EntSun -- A vast array of talented comics artists and writers, spanning more than a half century of work and encompassing dozens of the most popular franchises in the history of the medium through the present, will be on hand as FAN EXPO Philadelphia today announced the Artist Alley headliners for the convention, set for May 3-5 at the Pennsyvlavnia Convention Center. Among the superstar writers and artists are Andy Kubert ("Batman: The Dark Knight III," "X-Men"), Geoff Johns ("Geiger," "Junkyard Joe"), Jason Fabok ("Rook: Exodus," "Batman: Three Jokers"), Bryan Hitch ("Redcoat," "The Ultimates"), Francis Manapul ("The Rocketfellers," "The Flash"), Peter Tomasi ("The Rocketfellers," "Hornsby and Halo"), Ryan Ottley ("Invincible," "Amazing Spider-Man"), Frank Cho ("Liberty Meadows," "Wolverine"), Jae Lee ("Seven Sons," "Stephen King's Dark Tower"), Stephen Platt ("Moon Knight," "Wolverine"),  and Joe Wos ("Mazetoons," "Charlie the Tuna").

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Just about every franchise imaginable will be well represented, and comics fans will revel in meeting the creators who have made them possible. Q&A's, interactive demonstration sessions, autographs, commission opportunities, and more make the experience a can't-miss for comics lovers.

The FAN EXPO Philadelphia field of creators also includes talents such as Rodney Barnes ("The Boondocks," "Killadelphia"), Yanick Paquette ("Wonder Woman," "The Incal"), Tom Grummett ("Thunderbolts", "Superman"), Brad Anderson ("Geiger," "The Rook: Exodus"), Heather Antos (Group Editor Licensing/IDW Publishing), Russ Braun ("The Boys," "Jimmy's Bastards"), Hailey Brown (Dark Horse Comics, Brink Literacy Project), Chris Burnham ("Unstoppable Doom Patrol," "Batman, Inc."), Jim Calafiore ("Exiles," "Aquaman"), Joe Corroney ("Star Wars," Lucasfilm), Mike DeCarlo ("The Simpsons," "Archie"), Guy Gilchrist ("The Muppets," "Nancy"), Jonathan Glapion ("Batman," "King Spawn"), Scott Hanna ("Amazing Spider-Man," "Superman: Lois and Clark"), Ben Harvey ("Star Wars: Darth Maul," "X-Men"), Mike Hawthorne ("Batman," "Deadpool"), Tim Jacobus ("Goosebumps," "Spinetinglers"), Bob McLeod ("New Mutants," "Superman"), Jonboy Meyers ("Venom," "The Inhumans"), Rags Morales ("Identity Crisis," "Batman Confidential"), Carl Potts ("Alien Legion," "Punisher War Journal"), Aaron Reynolds ("Effin' Birds"), Alex Saviuk ("Spider-Man," "The Phantom"), Keith Williams ("The Hulk," "Action Comics"), Ron Wilson ("The Thing," "Marvel Two-in-One") and many others.

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See the full list at https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpophiladelphia/comic-creators/.

The quality of the creators in Artist Alley mirrors that of the FAN EXPO Philadelphia celebrity roster, which features a first-rate list that includes the National Lampoon's Vacation foursome of Chevy Chase ("Clark Griswald"), Beverly D'Angelo ("Ellen"), Randy Quaid ("Cousin Eddie") and Dana Barron ("Audrey"), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars franchise), Rosario Dawson ("Ahsoka," Rent), Rainn Wilson ("The Office," "Lessons in Chemistry"), Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny, The Wrestler), Adam Savage ("MythBusters") and more.


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Jerry Milani

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