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ICS offers 2-for-1 to attend the 2024 Indigenous Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Conference

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"2024 National Indigenous Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Conference: A Groundbreaking Gathering of 30+ Experts, Advocates, and Elders Sharing Knowledge, Lived Experiences, and Solutions for Healing and Resilience"

CAIRNS, Australia - EntSun -- ICS is proud to announce that the stage is set at the Pullman Cairns International Hotel to accommodate all delegations of the 2024 National Indigenous Mental Health, Suicide Prevention Conference and 2024 National First Nations Elder's Wellbeing Conference on
December 10-12, 2024 at Pullman International Hotel in Cairns Queensland.

Similarly, ICS Australia has now finalised the conference agenda with a kaleidoscope of more than thirty guest speakers to share their expertise, lived experiences, personal journeys and research outcomes. Featured guest speakers from various states and territories of Australia includes the following experts namely: Dr. Bernie Singleton, Elder Wuunta P/L; Bernard Sabadi, CEO Deadly Indigenous Youth Doing Good; Mark Roberston, Founding Director MPOWER; Aunty Glenda Stubbs AOM and Gary Oliver Executive Director, knowmore Legal Services; Uncle Ara Harathunian Managing Director, Kultchafi; Shonella Tatipata, Direct Department of Health and Aged Care; Sharon Hall, Manager and Josh Trindall,  Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT);Saskia Bourne, Assistant Director and Joe Daly, Department of Health ang Aged Care; Isabelle Meyer Executive Director, Dementia Training Australia; Tynan Narywonczyk, Senior Service Planning and Design Officer, MHAOD North Queensland Primary Health Network; Uncle Warren Martens, Chairman and Uncle Thomas Callaghan, Management Committee Member, ATSIDNQ Aboriginal & Torres Straits Islander Corporation; Kevin Walker, Executive Manager Service Operations and Human Resources, Change Futures; Emma Tahuri, Principal Lead, Population Elder Health, and Lena-Pearl Bridgland, Training Workforce Coordinator, Aboriginal Health Council of SA; Emily McGuire and Tarah Ninyette, Youth Mental Health Outreach Workers; Anita Kelly, Coordinator Amber Youth Wellness MercyCare; Marion Dwyer, Senior Coordinator Elder Care, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council; Maria Callaghan, Manager Older Persons Health & Palliative Care, North Queensland Primary Health Network; Charlene McCall, Team Leader and Clinical Nurse Consultant Pop-Up Palliative Care Service, Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Services; Karina Gray Chairperson, Cairns & Community Dementia Carers Support Group and our international guest speakers from United States of America and New Zealand, Dr. Amber Logan, Dr Joseph Stone and Matthew Tafoya.

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With just three (3) weeks to go, we have limited 2-for-1 registration offer for organisation who wishes to register two staff members for the price of one! Hence, we encourage anyone who wishes to attend the conference to register as soon as possible by writing the promo code ENews241 after your name on the registration form. REGISTER (https://icsconferences.org/registration/first-nations-ndis-mental-health-suicide-prevention-and-elders-wellbeing) now and avail for this 2-for-1 offer!

Indigenous Conference Services

Source: ICS Australia
Filed Under: Event

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