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Hot Hollywood Commercial Talent Agent Zoey Allen Comes to the Inland Empire to Interview Actors

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At 1:30pm PST Saturday, February 1st to kick-off 2025 Black History Month, Entertainer.Academy brings to 100Films.rocks Retreat #8 from Beverly Hills, CA USA, an Agent who'll offer SVEA Talent Interview Meetings in search of new actors to Represent!

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Calif. - EntSun -- "Unlike my maybe seven previous Hollywood representatives", says prolific performer PhilE (stage name), who worked some 2000+ California acting gigs within the past decade, "when Zoey believes in her Client, she submits you - a lot"!

Taking place on the afternoon of 2/1/25 at the Solomonte Glass Booth 9200 Milliken Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 USA, this unusual Hollywood Talent Agent Showcase offer is for the first ten (10) Inland Empire based actors who purchase a download of Phillip E. Walker-MFA's Entry Level Acting in LA 2016 Hollywood talent full-time employment Workbook at filmfreeway.com/FilmsRetreat. The 1st ten registering actors must also supply at least one photo plus a thirty seconds to two minutes in length video clip of them performing. Those 1st 10 IE based actors who supply all of these materials will be scheduled for a live & in-person, Inland Empire, five (5) minutes in length Interview Meeting with Southern California USA's SVEATalent.com Agency's hot new Hollywood Agent Zoe Allen. Initial Interviews can subsequently lead to a Beverly Hills "go-see" invitation and potential Los Angeles Region Commercial Talent Representation.

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EntryLevelActing.LA is PhilE's how-to-textbook about becoming employed as a full-time Hollywood actor within 3 business days of one's Southern California arrival.

The SVEA Talent Agency is Phillip E Walker's brand new Hollywood commercial talent representative that was wildly successful in securing for him six (6) Auditions, a Call-Back, an Avail plus a Booking in a soon to be released commercial, all during the first month of Zoey Allen representing Phillip.

A reel of clips from Phil's first six (6) SVEA Auditions, each originally recorded during October 2024, is found at https://youtu.be/vyie0lCjQsA.

Log onto https://filmfreeway.com/FilmsRetreat to be the first to register for your 1:30 pm PST February 1, 2025 Hollywood Talent Agent Interview Meeting with SVEA's Zoey Allen.

SVEA Talent Agency Interview Meetings will be held during the sold out 100FilmsRetreat.com #8 African Diaspora filmmaker gatherings.

For additional information, it is best to reach out to us via email.

Phillip Eugene Walker

Source: Walker Entertainer Academy
Filed Under: Entertainment

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