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FOR SUPER HERO DAY (April 28th): INTRODUCING…The Next Big Thing in Super Heroes

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Attention Movie Studios, Television Companies, Video Game Companies, Graphic Comics Companies, Toy Companies & Book Publishers…Get ready to take a look at The Next Big Thing in Super Heroes for Books, Movies, Video Games, toys, Graphic Comics & TV

SAN MATEO, Calif. - EntSun -- FOR SUPER HERO DAY (April 28th) INTRODUCING…The Next Big Thing in Super Heroes...

In Celebration of Super Hero Day, get ready to take a look at a manuscript featuring...The Next Big Thing in Super Heroes!

It's about a brand new kind of Super Hero who can help make the world a much safer place for us all…

And…it's a very exciting Super Hero who could be developed into all kinds of books, toys, games, video games, TV shows, movies and all kinds of merchandise, too!

So…who is this Super Hero and what can he do? (I can't reveal more about him in this article)...but Literary Agents, Television and Movie Producers, Video Game Companies, Toy Companies, Movie and TV Companies and Publishing Companies can contact Robert Barrows at R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising and Public Relations to request a copy of the manuscript.

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The manuscript runs about 1,700 words and it could be set up as a children's picture book or a graphic novel, and it could also go straight to movies, television, video games, merchandise and toys!

So, what have you got cooking for Super Hero Day? Even if you already have a lot of Super Heroes in your lineup…Don't miss out on this one! He can help make the world a much safer place for us all and the public will fall in love with him, too.

Give me a call and let's get this new and exciting Super Hero into the hearts and minds of people everywhere!

Let's get him into books, toys, video games, movies and TV shows and merchandise... and let's get him into Show Business!

For more information, call Robert Barrows at R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising and Public Relations at 650-344-4405, www.barrows.com

(#SuperHero #SuperHeroDay #Movies #Toys #VideoGames #GraphicComics #ChildrensBooks #TV #ShowBusiness and #LiteraryAgent inquiries welcome)

Robert Barrows

Source: R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising & Public Relations
Filed Under: Entertainment

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