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Digital Magazines Are On The Rise and 'Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight' Becomes a Huge Success

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May Magazine Issue Layout Finalizing Now: Space Available But Going Fast

RALEIGH, N.C. - EntSun -- JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC is passionate about championing the voices of visionary entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and catalyzing change. Their magazine, 'Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight,' serves as a dedicated stage to honor the extraordinary journeys of these pioneers, ensuring their invaluable contributions receive the recognition they merit.

They shed light on the diverse and inspirational stories fueling today's business landscape through captivating profiles and insightful features. Explore their burgeoning blog at www.glennagonzalez.com to dive deeper into these compelling narratives. On the Home page is an inaugural edition of this month's magazine, 'Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight.'

One of the Entrepreneurs Featured in April's issue is Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook.

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Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook, CEO of the Global Black Women's Chamber of Commerce

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook, CEO of the Global Black Women's Chamber of Commerce, is a third-generation business owner and the driving force behind Charisma Speakers, the sole global professional speaker's bureau led by a Black woman. Through her visionary leadership, she founded the Chamber, which is dedicated to empowering women in the global workforce.

With unwavering dedication, the organization has blossomed into a thriving network, offering support and connections to countless international entrepreneurs, and shaping a narrative of female empowerment. A White House Fellow from the classes of '93 and '94, Ambassador Suzan has served alongside two U.S. Presidents and three members of the Cabinet. She provides invaluable expertise as a faith advisor and analyst in both domestic and foreign policy.

The magazine, 'Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight,' will be published monthly with business owner profiles and advertising opportunities (https://glennagonzalez.com/magazine-ads/) for anyone seeking to grow their businesses by getting more exposure and visibility. Last Call for May- Magazine Layout happening now!

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  • Active Member of LinkedIn business networking groups with over 2M members in total- posting regularly for exposure
  • Over 10K LinkedIn Followers
  • Additional 1M in views from paid ads, press releases and social media

About Glenna Gonzalez, MBA

With over two decades of experience in Marketing and Business Development, she has played a pivotal role in guiding clients and businesses toward growth, transformation, and success. Her extensive background includes marketing for both national and international organizations, both as an employee and as a Freelancer.

As an award-winning business development professional, she has achieved remarkable results for the businesses and clients she has had the privilege to serve. In addition to her marketing expertise, she brings experience as a workforce planner and talent advisor for national and international organizations. While her background is diverse, she has had a significant impact within the Marketing and Business Development space.

Glenna Gonzalez

Source: JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC

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