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Daniel Imperato 2024 on Trump Biden

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Trump Biden Political Mafia & Judicial Tyranny Daniel 2024 Aliveadvisor Icon Octobotic Logo Pope Dan Washington
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - EntSun -- Trump Points Fingers At Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump made a campaign stop in East Palestine, used the aftermath of a train derailment and toxic chemical spill to take potshots at the President and the handling of the crisis.

Trump said, " They were intending to do absolutely nothing for you," referring to relief efforts in place.

Check Daniel Imperato's Resume

Trump went on to claim without evidence that the Biden administration directed more resources only when he announced visiting East Palestine. He went on to say "They changed tune." - "It was an amazing phenomenon."

DeSantis said that Biden's priorities were out of order as he chose to visit Ukraine instead. Both DeSantis and Trump have a lot to learn from Daniel Imperato who says, "You cannot shine your shoes when it comes to experience, pressure, and ability to lead in war times."

Independent America (written in 2008) - Free Ebook

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Remember that Jan. 6 is now taboo in the GOP primary. And no one including Nikki Haley running against Trump wants to talk about it than say 'it was a sad day'. DeSantis even failed to mention or say anything about the Jan. 6 riot at the capital in the book designed to flounce him as an unapologetic truth-teller. They all seem to be united now to point fingers at the incumbent President. No one is to blame though if they choose to live in a 'Fools' Paradise.'

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What Counts Is Experience

Trump was fighting bankruptcy and DeSantis was a prosecutor from Jacksonville Florida while Imperato was visiting 150 countries worldwide to take a stand on all political issues back then. Imperato knows the world like the back of his hand.

Year 2008 Press Releases by Imperato

Imperato Counts

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"Get real! There is no easy way out! Experience matters instead of small talk. Have a meaningful deep conversation in place rather than blather. Delve deeper, you cannot expect to acquire pearls on the surface."

Year 2008 Imperato - Brooks Press Releases

It is the work experience really that facilitates you to overcome challenges. People are now an enlightened lot and will no longer be fooled by bare talk.

"You can fool some people for some time, but cannot fool them all, all the time."

Political Mafia and Judicial Tyranny - Free Ebook

Join the RAPA (Revive America's Prayer Again) Movement to bring out the Best Leadership in America. Come interlace with the coalition floated by Daniel JP Imperato.


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Source: AliveAdvisor Media
Filed Under: Event, Lifestyle

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