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Civil Engineer Solves Dallas Traffic Congestion with Tunnel Project

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Celeste Tunnels Underground by self-published author Courtney Kelly, P.E., is now available around the globe anywhere books are sold.

DALLAS - EntSun -- Courtney Kelly Books, a self-publishing book company, has officially released Celeste Tunnels Underground (https://www.courtneykellybooks.com/aboutceleste...), the second book of the Celeste Saves the City collection. The new release takes readers into the world of tunnels and tunneling through the experiences of Celeste, a young civil engineer. This time, Celeste is based in Dallas, Texas and tasked with relieving traffic congestion in the bustling city.

Through the pages of the story, Celeste Tunnels Underground broadens horizons of the possibilities for careers in underrepresented fields. Her efforts take her on a journey to gain inspiration from old and new tunneling projects like the English Channel tunnel and the Fehmarnbelt tunnel between Denmark and Germany. Using this knowledge, she gives readers a glimpse into tunnel construction and showcases an appreciation for the men and women who design and build them.

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Celeste Tunnels Underground promotes an early interest in architecture, engineering, and construction by encouraging children to find ways to help their community using STEM. The importance of reading is promoted through images of Celeste researching a solution to the issue of traffic congestion in a library. Both national and international travels are highlighted as ways to discover the world. Additionally, the book pays homage to the city of Dallas and other important aspects of the author's life.

With nearly 4,000 copies of the first installment, Celeste Saves the City, sold across 10 countries in the languages of English, German, French, and Spanish, the character of Celeste is already impacting kids worldwide. The expansion of the collection with Celeste Tunnels Underground is poised to offer even more for young readers to think about as they delve into the pages of this new book. Hardcover, paperback, and eBook options are available for purchase around the globe anywhere books are sold.

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Imprint: Courtney Kelly Books
  • On sale: July 2, 2024
  • Price: $19.99
  • Pages: 32
  • ISBN: 979-8-9903082-1-3 (Hardcover)

About the Author: Courtney Kelly, P.E.
Courtney Kelly, P.E. is a commercial and heavy civil construction project management professional in Dallas, Texas. She holds B.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and Math and a M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Southern Methodist University. She received an MBA from Lamar University and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas. In 2023 she was recognized as an Engineering News-Record Texas & Louisiana Top Young Professional.

To learn more about Celeste Tunnels Underground, visit www.courtneykellybooks.com.

Courtney Kelly Books

Source: Courtney Kelly Books

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