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An Unforgettable Performance During Women's History Month in D.C. By Bay Area Artist Hope Briggs

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San Francisco Bay Area Opera Singer Hope Briggs Brings to Light the Legacy of Fallen Hero, Sp5 Wyley Wright

WASHINGTON - EntSun -- Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises---
Written by Gabriela Mascoll, SF Bay Area Freelance Reporter

Hope Briggs honors the life of to fallen Vietnam War Hero, Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. as she performed in Washington D.C. On March, 9th, she, along other musical artists, performed at the 10th Anniversary Commemoration of the reburial of Sp5 Wyley Wright and his wife Ouida Fay Wright, in Washington D.C. Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. tragically passed away in a helicopter crash, alongside PFC (Private First Class) John Francis Shea during the Vietnam War as Honor Guards for then Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara.  When his family found out he was buried in a segregated cemetery, the Wright Family felt compelled to honor his life by giving him a proper burial. In 2014, Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. and his late wife Ouida Fay Wright were exhumed from their resting places and buried together at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C., giving him the proper recognition and honor to his country.

Hope Briggs was born in New Jersey, but moved to San Bruno, California at the age of six. She began her music studies at California State University, Fullerton, where she was introduced to classical music as an undergraduate. Briggs has been performing for over 20 years. Briggs considers herself as a well-rounded performer, as she has sang songs from genres including opera, symphony, jazz, contemporary Christian music, and the Great American Songbook. As a singer, she believes it is important to touch the hearts of audience members. She intentionally chooses musical selections that she believes touch the special places in people's hearts, leaving them feeling connected to the performance.

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"Singing is my life's blood," said Briggs. "I am very passionate about music. I love to sing songs that connect with people."

Briggs performed two songs at the event, one which she sang with fellow San Francisco Bay Area singer and "America's Got Talent" finalist, Lawrence Beamen, featuring the Nat King Cole classic, "Unforgettable." Her desire for each performance was to be used as a vessel to inspire and uplift the legacy of Sp5  Wright. Although she never got to meet him and his late wife, Ouida Fay Wright, she believed she had the opportunity to honor their love story by singing at the event.

"Not only were the parents unforgettable to one another, but the [Wright] children are saying 'mom and dad, you are unforgettable and we will always love you,'" said Briggs. "I hope when people see this film ("Love Separated in Life...Love Reunited in Honor) too, it would resonate and move them. What a beautiful story."

This unforgettable event took place on March 9-10th in Washington D.C., which featured the documentary screening of "Love Separated in Life…Love Reunited in Honor," by filmmakers Jackie Wright and Jack LiVolsi, along with performances by Bay Area Artists, Lawrence Beamen, Hope Briggs, and Atlanta-based singer Sylvia Camille. For more information, please visit lovereunited.org.



It's a Love Story; Women's History; Black History; Asian History; US & World History; Racial Justice; Civil Rights, and an Arts Story all interwoven into one story.

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Wright Enterprises, www.wrightnow.biz

Source: Wright Enterprises www.wrightnow.biz
Filed Under: Arts

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