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A.N. Publishing Debuts Logo For The Upcoming Platform 'The Ambony'

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A design that is the heart of the digital society media outlet.

NEW YORK - EntSun -- A.N. Publishing unveils the official logo for its future society platform The Ambony. The logo is a key element in defining what lies ahead with the digital media brand.

"The Amoby's logo design is a symbol of the style and sophistication the brand will represent for its aspirational readership," said David Nole, A.N. Publishing's founder and editorial director. "We wanted this logo to capture the brand's essence and be a vanguard for diverse media via its mix of contemporary and classic elements to its design."

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The Ambony logo design will be represented in a wide range of colors, including both wordmark and lettermark versions, to be used across all digital assets.

The Ambony, a forthcoming digital media platform, offers a diverse array of cultural and lifestyle content to provide people of color with a comprehensive perspective on contemporary life.

For the latest news and developments related to The Ambony, visit A.N. Publishing's platform.

Brand Page: https://www.anpublishing.com/theambony

Source: A.N. Publishing
Filed Under: Media

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