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America in Therapy with Phyllis E. Leavitt, M.A

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CHICAGO - EntSun -- Inspire, inform, improve, and impact are the keywords for the "A Sip of Inspiration Podcast" America in Therapy with Phyllis E. Leavitt, M.A.

Produced and hosted by Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman, Ph.D., author, inspirational speaker, Founder, and CEO of The Champagne Connection, Inc., in this episode, Phyllis E. Leavitt, M.A., the author of the upcoming book, America in Therapy, states that in order to heal America, we will need healing to survive as a country.

Phyllis E. Leavitt, M.A., deepest wish is that we both understand the severity of the dangers we face from escalating divisiveness, hatred, and violence, and, at the same time, feel hopeful that no matter what our sphere of influence, we can each play a meaningful part in restoring ourselves to peace, safety and caring reconnection to one another. My deepest hope is that together we bring to the Family of America the same healing we are learning to bring to individual families— and thus to all our children, who will inherit everything we leave them

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Wilson-Coleman, the host of A Sip of Inspiration Podcast, is the author of Self-Esteem Your Superpower: Ways Parents Can Improve Children's Self-Esteem, which helps explain some of the causes of low self-esteem in children and various techniques to develop positive self-esteem in children, among others.

The Champagne Connection and A Sip of Inspiration Podcast will take you on a journey that will change your life.

Through the Champagne Connection, Stephanie Wilson-Coleman continues to share how she has overcome some of life's most challenging events, including teen pregnancy and temporarily homeless, to become a financial expert with an MBA from the University of Chicago.

Visit:  https://www.champagneconnection.com

See Episode at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gCsedBBL3M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P48hEDzbEIA)

Media Contact
The Champagne Connection

Source: The Champagne Connection
Filed Under: Culture

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