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Sheet Metal Air Rail Workers ("SMART") Data Breach: Murphy Law Firm Investigates Legal Claims

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Murphy Law Firm
Murphy Law Firm Investigates Legal Claims on Behalf of 62,939 Individuals whose Personal Information was Exposed in the Data Breach

OKLAHOMA CITY - EntSun -- Murphy Law Firm is investigating claims on behalf of all individuals whose personal and confidential information was potentially compromised in the data breach involving Sheet Metal Air Rail Workers ("SMART"). On or around September 9, 2023, SMART detected unusual activity on its computer network, indicating a data breach. Based on a forensic investigation, SMART confirmed that cybercriminals infiltrated its inadequately secured computer systems and acquired the sensitive personal information of 62,939 individuals, including names and Social Security numbers.

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As a result of the data breach, these individuals' personal and highly sensitive information may be in the hands of cybercriminals who can place the information for sale on the dark web or use the information to perpetrate identity theft.  If you received notice of the data breach or if you have determined that your personal information was compromised in the breach, please visit www.murphylegalfirm.com/cases/SheetMetalAirRailWorkers/ to learn more. Murphy Law Firm is considering legal options to recover damages on behalf of individuals who were affected by the data breach.

To join a class action, visit: www.murphylegalfirm.com/cases/SheetMetalAirRailWorkers/

Source: Murphy Law Firm
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